
Apology: Water Shortage Along Ou Kaapse Weg During the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon 2019
Apology: Water Shortage Along Ou Kaapse Weg During the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon 2019

24 April 2019

OMTOM 2019 Water Shortage – Ou Kaapse Weg

Two Oceans Marathon NPC acknowledges the legitimate concerns of runners affected by the water shortage on Ou Kaapse Weg, and apologises unreservedly.

The liquid refreshment provided was in the form of Powerade, Coca-Cola and water. This was dispensed in cups and not in sachets, given our commitment to a plastic-free zone on Ou Kaapse Weg between the 26km and 36km marks as required by SANParks.

The OMTOM 2019 hydration roll-out plan was based on statistics from prior years. Unfortunately, we underestimated the wastage factor that stemmed from providing water in cups, and the increased demand for water due to the more gruelling and exposed climb.

Once again we apologise for the under-provision of water on Ou Kaapse Weg.

Title Sponsor
Partner Sponsors
  • City of Cape Town
  • Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages
  • Powerade
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