For more info on the only training runs that can prepare you for #TTOM2025 as well as all the info you need on Substitutions, please go to the drop-down menu at EVENTS | EVENT INFO. Still looking for a coveted charity entry? Go to RUN FOR CHARITY - TTOM 2025 Official Charities and secure your entry directly from one of our official #TTOM2025 charity partners. REST-OF-AFRICA and INTERNATIONAL #TTOM2025 entries also remain OPEN.



Substitutions – Everything You Need to Know

It is your responsibility as a runner to find a replacement / withdrawing runner. Please join the official Substitutions Group on Facebook to find a suitable candidate. This group will be made public once substitutions open.

The Substitution Process: Important – Any Substitution Not Done Via This Process is Invalid (Please also see ‘Warning: Fake entry sales, charging extra, swapping and running with someone else’s number’ further down this page)

Opens: 06 January 2025, 1 PM

Deadline: 03 March 2025, 12 PM (Midnight)

Substitution admin fee: R210

Other costs may apply (e.g. temporary licence fee in the Half Marathon).

Do not pay the original entrant directly. All transactions must be facilitated via the TOM entry system. TOM will not be held liable should you end up with a non-valid / fake / non-existent entry due to not going through the TOM entry system as per these guidelines for payments and fees relating to substitutions.

The Entered Runner (withdrawing and to be substituted)
  1. Log into your TOM profile.
  2. Click the ‘Applications & Entries’ tab on the left of your profile dashboard, where you will be taken to your current entry summary.
  3. Click the ‘substitute’ button. The voucher number will be displayed as soon as you do this. You will also receive an email with the voucher number and Substitution process details.
  4. Send this voucher number to your substitute runner.
The New Runner (taking over the entry)
  1. Log into your TOM profile. If you don’t have one, create a profile.
  2. Click the ‘Applications & Entries’ tab on the left on your profile dashboard.
  3. Click on ‘New Application’, and insert the voucher number in the ‘Entry Voucher’ section on your dashboard (at the top).
  4. Click on the distance that you are creating a Substitution entry for, and complete your entry.
  5. The system will prompt you to enter your outstanding information, if any, plus personal and race-related information. Please follow these prompts to the payment stage, where you will be charged the Substitution fee.
Refunds, Merchandise and Ownership

All relevant Substitution Process payments and refunds will be facilitated via our TOM Entry System. No money may change hands between the withdrawing and substitute runner.

Refund process
  1. Refunds will only be done once the Substitution Entrant has finalised and paid for his/her entry, as a first step.
  2. Once you have substituted out, please send your proof of banking details to so that your refund may be effected. Upon receipt of your banking details, please kindly allow 30 working days for your refund to be processed.
Important Notes
Warning: Fake entry sales, charging extra, swapping and running with someone else’s number

Ultra / Half Marathon Entry Profile Changes and Substitutions

The following Ultra Marathon and Half Marathon entry and entry profile changes may be made online on the TOM entry system. All changes (other than substitutions) must be made by the Profile Update Deadline.

Current entrants

Prospective entrants

Seeding updates for both the Ultra Marathon and Half Marathon are free of charge. Please log into your TOM online profile and update your seeding with the name, date and distance of the race, plus the time you ran with a website address where we can verify your new time.

Downgrades cannot be facilitated.

No changes whatsoever will be permitted after the Profile Update Deadline. Thank you. 

Title Sponsor
Partner Sponsors
  • City of Cape Town
  • Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages
  • Powerade
  • Heart FM
View All Sponsors