Please kindly note that the #TTOM2024 results will be finalised once SAIDS has ratified these #TTOM2024 results. Thank you.

Two Oceans Marathon NPC AGM 2023 – Official Process

The 14th Annual General Meeting took place on 28 September 2023. The following process was followed:

  1. Official notice of the AGM as scheduled for 28 September 2023 was distributed by 14 August 2023.
  2. The closing date for all Board Nominations as per the Notice of the AGM scheduled for 28 September 2023 was 7 September 2023 (21 days ahead of the AGM).
  3. The closing date for all membership applications to the TOM NPC was 7 September 2023 (21 days ahead of the AGM).
  4. The closing date for the submission of matters for the agenda was 7 September 2022 (21 days ahead of the AGM).
  5. The agenda for the AGM scheduled for 28 September 2023 was distributed on 14 September 2023 (14 days ahead of the AGM).
How to become a member of the TOM NPC

The TOM NPC is represented by individuals and groups according to the following criteria:

  • WPA Clubs that are affiliated to and in good standing with Western Province Athletics for at least five years and with at least 50 members over the age of 18, automatically become members of the TOM NPC.
  • Blue Number Club members are invited to apply for TOM NPC membership. An invitation to apply was distributed by 14 August 2023. The application deadline was 7 September 2023. All applications will be approved by the current Board.
  • Ordinary Members, as per a list maintained by the TOM NPC. Updates and suggestions are forwarded to the current Board for approval.
AGM Notification (14 August 2023)

Official notice of the AGM was distributed to the following individuals and groups:

  • Founding Members (Celtic Harriers Club and Western Province Athletics)
  • Honorary Members (Original subscribers to the MOI in 2010 – 5 from Celtics and 5 from WPA – and any person currently or previously appointed as a Director)
  • Ordinary Members
    – WPA Clubs as stipulated above
    – WPA Office
    – Any individual admitted by ordinary resolution at a General Meeting of Members
    – Blue Number Club Members with an approved NPC membership application. These individuals have either:
    – completed 10 or more Ultra Marathons, Half Marathons or Trail Runs,
    – won any of the TOM Ultra, Half or Trail events at least three times,
    – or earned a gold medal in the TOM Ultra at least five times.
  • Any individual that has served the company for at least 10 years, and whose application has been accepted by the Board.
Proxy votes at the AGM

A TOM NPC member can cast three votes at the AGM. This must be on an official TOM form, signed and registered upon entry to the AGM.

  • A member can cast his or her own personal vote.
  • A member can cast a vote on behalf of a Club.
  • A member can cast a vote as proxy for another member.

A TOM Auditor will verify registration and proxies. All proxies should have been emailed to by 5pm on 21 September 2023.

Election of TOM NPC Directors

The TOM NPC has 12 Directors that comprise:

  • Four representatives from Celtic Harriers (as elected by the Club)
  • Four representatives from Western Province Athletics (as elected by WPA)
  • Four Ordinary Members (as elected by the Ordinary Members)

These members serve for a two-year cycle, alternating in order for six members to remain constant.

Nominations as an Ordinary Member to the TOM NPC Board
  • Any person may be nominated to stand as Director. While s/he does not need to be a Blue Number Club or Running Club member, s/he must be nominated by a BNC member or a Club.
  • These members must be prepared to accept the fiduciary duties incumbent in the position and commit to a two-year appointment.
  • Nominations were required to be submitted via the official TOM NPC form and emailed to by 5pm on 7 September 2023.
Title Sponsor
Partner Sponsors
  • City of Cape Town
  • Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages
  • Powerade
  • Heart FM
View All Sponsors