For more info on the only training runs that can prepare you for #TTOM2025 as well as all the info you need on Substitutions, please go to the drop-down menu at EVENTS | EVENT INFO. Still looking for a coveted charity entry? Go to RUN FOR CHARITY - TTOM 2025 Official Charities and secure your entry directly from one of our official #TTOM2025 charity partners. REST-OF-AFRICA and INTERNATIONAL #TTOM2025 entries also remain OPEN.

The entry process is as follows:

Firstly, please create or update your profile on our Race Admin System  at if you have not done so yet.

Contact should you need help creating your profile. Thank you.


There are two Ultra Marathon draws, and two Half Marathon draws.

Ultra Marathon draws:
1. The first Ultra Marathon draw is for runners who have 7 or more TOM Ultra Marathon medals.
2. The second draw is for everyone else.

Half Marathon draws:
1. The first Half Marathon draw is for runners who belong to running clubs. This is called the ASA club draw.
2. The second draw is for the rest of the runners who do not belong to a running club. This second draw is called the general draw.

If you were not drawn in Half Marathon draw 1 as a club member, your name will automatically go into draw 2.

You will forfeit or lose your entry if you do not pay for it by the payment deadline.

Once you have paid for your entry, you must also ensure that all your other information is up to date by the closing date for all profile and entry information. If not, you will unfortunately also forfeit your entry.

1st Ultra Marathon Draw: 10 AM on day entries are drawn
2nd Ultra Marathon Draw: 2PM on day entries are drawn
1st Half Marathon Draw (ASA club members): 10AM on day entries are drawn
2nd Half Marathon Draw (general): 2PM on day entries are drawn

The entry process if you’re a Blue Number Club Member or Yellow Number Holder

If you’re a Blue or Yellow number holder, you receive priority entry status. Entries will open for you before the time. We will email you with the date for opening, as well as your link to enter. Your link to enter will also be on our homepage at

Entries are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Your invitation to enter is exclusive and non-transferable. You must make payment by the due date (TBC) or by the time capacity is reached.

If you did not manage to secure one of the BNC entries available, you’ll automatically be added to:
• Ultra Marathon ballot draw 1, in which TOM Ultra Marathon runners with 7 or more medals will stand a higher chance of being selected for an entry, or
• Half Marathon draw 1 for ASA club members.

How to enter if you’re an international or African runner

Entries for International and Rest-of-Africa entries open just after Blue Number Club entries open, and before local entries open.

You can enter on a first come, first served basis: payment secures your entry.

Your link to enter will also be on our homepage at

Please note: Entries close when they are sold out, and this can happen at any time without notice.


If you have not yet created your TOM profile, do so here


Have more questions?

Please see our FAQs or email

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  • City of Cape Town
  • Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages
  • Powerade
  • Heart FM
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